Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Social Bookmarking Questions

  1. What's another way you can organize and store information on your computers? 
           Another way you can organize and store info on your computer is folders and RSS Feeds.

2. What have you learned from researching the above topics? What do you know now about those current events that you didn’t know before?

I've learned that there are other ways to bookmark and store websites and important info. I learned from one of my current events that the bullying laws are only enforced in 10 states. 

3. What are other social bookmarking apps/websites?

Another social bookmarking website is social cliff. 

4. Will you continue to use social bookmarking?

I may use social bookmarking in the future, i don't think i will use it again anytime soon though. 

Monday, December 14, 2015

Web 2.0 Writing Prompt (cloak)

If i had to wear an invisible cloak for the day and perform an act of kindness, i would most likely feed people at a homeless shelter. If i could perform a second kind deed i would give any homeless person on the street i see a bag of food, fresh clothes, and money. It would hopefully put a smile on my face and theirs too. It would warm my heart to make someone happy and feel like they could have hope for themselves in the near future.
     Performing little acts of kindness goes a long way nowadays for certain people. It will make you and the other person feel good about themselves.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog Posting 12/4/15

Yahoo Messenger wants you back

Yahoo is revamping its venerable chat service, which was released all the way back in 1998, to try to compete with the likes of newbies Snapchat and Facebook-owned WhatsApp.

  • The Sunnyvale, California, company released a revamped version of the chat service's app on Thursday.
  •  It's available on the Web, in Yahoo's email service, on Apple iPhones and on smartphones powered by Google's Android mobile software.
  • Introduced in 1998, Yahoo's service has changed a lot in recent years as new chat apps have drawn buzz.

Yahoo Messenger 2015

Yahoo messenger in 1989 

Monday, November 9, 2015

Web 2.0/ Tech Lit New Blog Post

      Over the very,nice little short break i did only a few minor things. On Wednesday, i went over to my older friends house. As time passed we grew extremely hungry, so then she treated me to dinner at Houlihans. Then on Thursday,I woke up early for a project i had to work on with m friends, which took three hours to do. Later in the day, i went to my friends soccer game with my other friend. I saw a lot of my close friends there.
     On Friday, I stayed home mostly the whole day. It was very boring, but i made the best of it. Later that night my one good guy friend and girl friend stopped by as they were walking around town to see me. Then on Saturday, i had a game, which we sadly lost by a point. It was very sad to see all the boys distraught about their loss. There were many tears shed, but i believe they played a great game and had a great season. On Sunday, I spent the day with my boyfriend and his family. They picked me up from my house around 12:30 and we went to Walmart. Later that night, i ate dinner with them. Then after my dad picked me up from his house, i went home, ate a piece of my granny's homeade cheesecake and went to bed.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Do Now: November 2nd

Do Now: From the article that we were asked to read in our sixth period Web 2.0 class i learned that 
  • All content is copyrighted immediately and does not require filing paperwork.
  • Many images are licensed.
  • The instant you created the doodle, it is copyrighted. 
We have four exclusive rights 

  1. Reproduce the copyrighted work.
  2. Display the copyrighted work publicly.
  3. Prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work.
  4. Distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public by sale, rental or lending, and/or to display the image.

Monday, October 19, 2015

How I Use Google Forms in My Everyday Life

Using Google Forms in My Life 

Google Forms can be used in my everyday life by creating survey with any type of subject or questions. I could use it for school, extracurricular work, etc. 

Monday, September 21, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia Blog Pre-Posting

Julie Piret 

English 2 

     The class i am newly taking this year is English II. My teacher's name is Mrs.Millar. She was welcomed back to Wood-Ridge this year after being on maternity leave for a year and a half. I have her class eighth period so i get to end the day with my favorite subject. I love learning about the different types of literature and the way people wrote back then. So when she explained to us that we would be discussing a lot of those topics, i was very enthused to see what the rest of the year would hold.
     In Mrs.Millar's class so far we've learned about literary devices and how it will help us sound more mature when we are writing an essay or paper. As we had to memorize the words, she helped us get more visuals on the words and their meanings. She assigned us a group project, where we would get the list of the literary devices and she would give us the number of words we had to draw examples of. Everyone in our group of three or four people would split the number of words we'd have to draw. For example, i chose the words anecdote, ambiguity,blank verse, character foil, and allegory. I felt that this was a very helpful and useful way of memorizing the words for the upcoming test. 

     On last Friday, September 18th to practice for the test i have to take today which is September 21st, she connected us to this new breed of online quizzes which is called, Kahoot! Kahoot! is an online game show system where you sign in and you enter your class pin code that Mrs.Millar would assign us.When you play the game, you verse your classmates ina head to head game  literature on your phones.  It was a great way to help get visual and get a little competitive with your classmates too! Mrs. Millar made a deal with us, whoever got the highest score would get five extra points on their test. I love Mrs. Millar's ways of teaching and how fun she is! I'm extremely excited to see what the rest of the year holds for me and my English class!

         Image result for kahoot!