Julie Piret
English 2
In Mrs.Millar's class so far we've learned about literary devices and how it will help us sound more mature when we are writing an essay or paper. As we had to memorize the words, she helped us get more visuals on the words and their meanings. She assigned us a group project, where we would get the list of the literary devices and she would give us the number of words we had to draw examples of. Everyone in our group of three or four people would split the number of words we'd have to draw. For example, i chose the words anecdote, ambiguity,blank verse, character foil, and allegory. I felt that this was a very helpful and useful way of memorizing the words for the upcoming test.
On last Friday, September 18th to practice for the test i have to take today which is September 21st, she connected us to this new breed of online quizzes which is called, Kahoot! Kahoot! is an online game show system where you sign in and you enter your class pin code that Mrs.Millar would assign us.When you play the game, you verse your classmates ina head to head game literature on your phones. It was a great way to help get visual and get a little competitive with your classmates too! Mrs. Millar made a deal with us, whoever got the highest score would get five extra points on their test. I love Mrs. Millar's ways of teaching and how fun she is! I'm extremely excited to see what the rest of the year holds for me and my English class!